About Our Formal Division

In the Formal Division, students receive superior classical ballet training from world-class instructors. Placement is according to skill level. Multiple programs are provided to meet a variety of commitment levels, schedules, and affordability. Making each student the best dancer they can be, building high self-esteem, and instilling a sense of accomplishment are top priorities. Training in this division can lead to a professional dance career, collegiate opportunities, and participating in some of the world’s most prestigious ballet competitions.


  1. Choose your program (below class offerings section).
  2. Choose your classes according to your level and your program (below).
  3. Enroll via email at studiorballet@gmail.com. Please indicate which program and classes you will be taking!

Class Offerings

Level I Class Offerings

Mon 4:15–5:45 Technique
Mon 5:45–6:45 Strength/Stretch
Tues 4:15–5:45 (Gold/Platinum only)
Wed 4:15–5:45 Technique
Wed 5:45–6:45 Strength/Stretch
Thurs 4:15–5:45 Technique
Thurs 5:45–6:45 Contemporary

*Please note that we prefer all students to attend Monday and/or Wednesday technique, if possible.

Level II Class Offerings

Mon 4:45–5:45 Strength/Stretch
Mon 5:45–7:15 Technique
Tues 5:45–7:15 Technique
Wed 4:45–5:45 Strength/Stretch
Wed 5:45–7:15 Technique
Thurs 4:45–5:45 Contemporary
Thurs 5:45–7:15 Technique
Sat 9:00–10:30 Technique (Platinum Only)

*Please note that we prefer all students to attend Wednesday technique, if possible.

Level III Class Offerings

Mon 4:15-5:45 Technique
Mon 5:45-6:45 Pointe
Mon 7:00-8:00 Strength/Stretch
Mon 4:15–5:45 Technique
Mon 5:45–6:45 Pointe
Mon 7:00–8:00 Strength/Stretch
Tues 4:45–5:45 Contemporary
Tues 6:00–7:30 Technique/Pointe
Wed 4:15–5:45 Technique
Wed 5:45–6:45 Pointe
Wed 7:00–8:00 Strength/Stretch
Thurs 4:15–5:45 Technique/Pointe
Sat 9:00–10:30 Technique
Sat 10:30–11:15 Pointe

Level IV Class Offerings

Mon 4:15–5:45 Technique
Mon 5:45–6:45 Pointe
Mon 7:00–8:00 Strength/Stretch
Tues 4:15–5:45 Technique/Pointe
Tues 5:45–6:45 Contemporary
Wed 4:15–5:45 Technique
Wed 5:45–6:45 Pointe
Wed 7:00–8:00 Strength/Stretch
Thurs 4:15–5:45 Technique/Pointe
Thurs 5:45–6:45 Contemporary
Fri 3:30–5:00 Technique
Sat 9:00–10:30 Technique
Sat 10:30–11:15 Pointe

Level V/VI/Pre-Professional Class Offerings

Mon 4:15–5:45 Technique
Mon 5:45–6:45 Pointe
Mon 7:00–8:00 Strength/Stretch
Tues 4:30–6:30 Technique/Pointe
Tues 6:45–7:45 Contemporary
Wed 4:15–5:45 Technique
Wed 5:45–6:45 Pointe
Wed 7:00–8:00 Strength/Stretch
Thurs 4:45–5:45 Contemporary
Thurs 5:45-7:15 Technique/Pointe
Fri 3:30–5:00 Technique
Sat 9:00–10:30 Technique
Sat 10:30–11:15 Pointe



  • Minimum training hours.
  • Eligibility to participate in all SRB productions.

Level I (a & b)

Two Technique
One Strength/Stretch

Level II (a & b)

Two Technique
One Strength/Stretch

Level III (a & b)

Three Technique/Pointe
One Strength/Stretch


  • Addition of contemporary OR extra technique class.
  • Increased level of versatility.
  • Eligibility to perform in all SRB productions.

Level I (a & b)

Two Technique
One Strength/Stretch
One Contemporary OR extra Technique

Level II (a & b)

Two Technique
One Strength/Stretch
Contemporary OR extra Technique

Level III (a & b)

Three Technique/Pointe
One Strength/Stretch
One Contemporary OR extra Technique

Level V/VI/PP

Four Technique/Pointe
One Strength/Stretch
One Contemporary

Level IV (a & b)

Four Technique/Pointe
One Strength/Stretch
One Contemporary


  • Additional training hours in ballet and contemporary.
  • Increased versatility and skill level.
  • Quicker progression.
  • Eligibility to perform in all SRB productions.
  • Eligibility to be invited to compete internationally.

Level I (a & b)

Three Technique
One Strength/Stretch
One Contemporary OR extra Technique

Level II (a & b)

Three Technique
One Strength/Stretch
One Contemporary OR extra Technique

Level III (a & b)

Four Technique/Pointe
One Strength/Stretch
One Contemporary OR extra Technique

Level IV (a & b)

Five Technique/Pointe
One Strength/Stretch
One Contemporary

Level V/VI/PP

Five Technique/Pointe
One Strength/Stretch
One Contemporary


  • Maximized training hours in ballet and contemporary.
  • Highest level of versatility and skill level.
  • Maximized progression.
  • Eligibility to perform in all SRB productions.
  • Eligibility to be invited to compete internationally.

Level I (a & b)

Four Technique
One to two Strength/Stretch
One Contemporary

Level II (a & b)

Four Technique
One to two Strength/Stretch
One Contemporary OR extra Technique
(for both Contemporary and extra Technique)

Level III (a & b)

Five Technique/Pointe
One to two Strength/Stretch
One Contemporary

Level IV (a & b)

Six Technique/Pointe
One to two Strength/Stretch
One Contemporary

Level V/VI/PP

Six Technique/Pointe
One to two Strength/Stretch
One Contemporary